The H-100 tripmeter does not start measuring

Problem: I’m on the start screen. I press RUN briefly and nothing happens.

The tripmeter has no assigned functionality.
Go to |H-100| Configuration > Device Settings > Type: tripmeter or tripmeter + azimuth and save the changes to the menu.

This situation occurs when the battery that holds the settings memory is discharged or after replacing the battery. After replacing the battery, complete configuration of the tripmeter must be performed.

Nothing happens when updating the firmware

When updating the firmware, when you turn on the power, the tripmeter should respond with 2 beeps and immediately after them with another 4 beeps. This signals the start of the firmware change. If you only get 4 beeps, it means the tripmeter is not starting to change.
The cause may be:

  • faulty pendrive
  • wrong filename
  • damaged connector

Another problem may occur. When you turn on the power, the tripmeter signals only 2 beeps and then “stops” working. This means that it detects the pendrive, but it poses a problem with the rest of the change.

In both cases:

  • try on another pendrive
  • format the pendrive
  • check if the file name is firmware.bin
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